Mission, Vision and Values


To empower youth with skills and resources through capacity building and strengthening for sustainable development and growth.


An Empowered and Sustainable community

  • Core Values

    • Respect.
    • Integrity and Ethics
    • Inclusivity & Transparency
    • Sustainability & Collaboration


Gender Equality & Human Rights

We Focus on bridging gender gaps in access to resources, opportunities, and decision-making and empowering individuals regardless of gender identity, promoting equity in education, employment, and leadership roles. We aim to challenge stereotypes, discrimination, and violence against women, fostering inclusive societies.


Our advocacy strategies aim to raise awareness, mobilize support, and influence policies for societal change. It amplifies voices of marginalized groups, addressing systemic injustices and promoting human rights.


EWO'S health initiatives prioritize holistic well-being, encompassing physical, mental, and social dimensions. A major focus on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights among AGYWs and young people.

Climate Action

Climate action focuses on mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change. Our focus is to address environmental injustices, promoting resilience and equitable solutions for vulnerable communities facing climate-related risks.

Economic Empowerment

EWO's economic empowerment initiatives emphasize hands-on skills training to enhance individuals' financial independence. Entrepreneurship support provides mentorship and financing for business ventures fostering sustainable livelihood initiatives to promote diverse income sources and resource management.