Preventing Violence against girls and women

Dialogue Mtaani is a comprehensive initiative dedicated to raising awareness, preventing, and responding to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) among women and girls. This project is designed to address the critical issue of GBV by engaging various target groups, including women in business, young girls, and women in schools. By focusing on these groups, the project aims to create a safer environment for women and girls while fostering a culture of gender equality and empowerment.

Project goals

  • Raise Awareness: To increase awareness about the prevalence and consequences of GBV among the target groups and the broader community
  • Prevent GBV: To implement preventive measures and strategies to reduce the occurrence of GBV in the targeted areas
  • Respond to GBV: To establish effective mechanisms for reporting, responding to, and supporting survivors of GBV

Dialogue Mtaani strives to create a significant impact in reducing GBV, promoting gender equality, and enhancing the overall well-being of women and girls in the targeted communities. Through its multifaceted approach, the project aims to address GBV from various angles, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and safer environment for all.

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SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being.

The project's efforts to respond to GBV aim to improve the physical and mental well-being of survivors.

SDG 4: Quality Education .

The project focuses on educating young girls and creating safe learning environments within schools.

SDG 5: Gender Equality.

By addressing GBV and promoting gender equality, the project contributes to achieving this goal.

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Empowering women in business supports economic growth and decent work for women

#Open conversations with mothers on GBV